About Us

LIFE SUPPORT & NURSING CARE is registered under the Sri Lanka Companies Act, Number 7 of 2007 as a limited liability company bearing business registration number: PV 109613.

LIFE SUPPORT & NURSING CARE is an international accredited training institute in Sri Lanka certified by the American Safety and Health Institute. ASHI has certified every Life Support and Care instructor.

Certificates awarded by LIFE SUPPORT & NURSING CARE in Sri Lanka are recognized around the world as an educational qualification and authorization to provide First Aid in times of need.

We are a young team of professionals with a defined ethos of excelling in First Aid & Nursing Training and providing this knowledge to the general public whereby increasing the awareness and importance of learning the basic / advanced skills to help save lives in emergencies. Studies and research have shown that immediate response in administering proper First Aid and CPR can reduce deaths by approximately 150,000 lives per year (Source: St. John’s Ambulance Service– UKweb site).

With this in mind, LIFE SUPPORT & NURSING CARE aims to further raising the bar in providing an unmatched and unparalleled quality in delivering international standard training in First Aid and Nursing Care to this nation.